Links to Computer Programming Resource Web Sites
Following is a selection of links to web sites that I have found personally useful. The links are grouped into the following categories:
- Web Coding Links
- Web Design Links
- Web Code Validation Links
- Search Engine Optimization Links
- IBM Mainframe Links
- REXX Links
- Software Links
Web Coding Links
Back to Basics: META Tags
An article documenting metatags.
Web Standards Project HTML/XHTML Templates
A collection of web page templates for the various HTML and XHTML doctypes.
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
A one page reference table to all the HTML tags and the version of XHTML there are allowed to be used in.
W3C Cascading Style Sheets
Primary source for information about CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS Attributes Index
An index to all supported Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) attributes by category and the version of Microsoft Internet Explorer they were first available in.
HTML 4 Entities
Documentation on HTML character entities. Entities are those strings of characters beginning with an ampersand & and ending with a semicolon ; and are used to define non-standard characters or html control characters. I have a similar reference table: The ISO8859-1 Code Table.
HTML Character Sets
HTML character set tables similar to the HTML 4 Entities entry above.
Web Design Links
Open Source Web Design
Features a nice collection of free web design site templates. Either download them and use them as is or use them to learn more about how to create your own site templates.
Web Code Validation Links
Validating the content of your web pages should be a formal part of your publication process. Following are the tools that I use to validate my code.
W3C Markup Validation Service
Online tool to validate your HTML and XHTML documents to insure conformance with W3C standards.
W3C CSS Validation Service
Online tool to validate your CSS style sheets.
XML Schema Validator
Online tool to validate your XML.
Search Engine Optimization Links
Keyword Density Analyzer
A very nice online tool for analyzing keyword density. Enter the URL of the web page you want analyzed and the tool produces.
Alexa Web Search
A useful tool for identifying a site's traffic ranking. It can also be used to identify inbound links as well as locating web sites based on subject matter.
Web Page Analyzer
A free online tool that analyzes web page size, composition, and download time. Produces a nice report highlighting a page's strong and weak points.
IBM Mainframe Links
IBM Mainframes Forum
Online forums dealing with various aspects of IBM mainframes. Forums that I have found useful include JCL, TSO/ISPF, CLIST & REXX, and DB2.
CBT Tape - MVS Freeware
A varied collection of resources, used by myself mainly for REXX related code.
IBM Redbooks
An index to IBM's Redbook publications - a must for anyone working in an IBM environment.
REXX Links
IBM index to all REXX manuals for various OS platforms
IBM Search Results page for TSO/E REXX Reference
This is the search results page for the REXX TSO/E REXX Reference manual SA22-7790 listing all the manual versions for REXX based on z/OS version.
IBM z/OS V1R4.0 TSO/E REXX Reference
The table of contents for z/OS V1R4.0 TSO/E REXX Reference manual from the IBM Library Server.
Software Links
DENIM - software for web design
A free program for doing initial web site and user interface design. Gives users the ability to sketch out their designs.
ListGarden - RSS Feed Generator Program
A free program for creating RSS feeds.
TextPad - the text editor for Windows
TextPad is my favorite text editing program on the Windows platform.
Regina - Cross platform Rexx interpreter
Regina is the free REXX interpreter that I use for the REXX programs I write on the Windows platform.
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