HTML ISO8859-1 Code Table

The following table illustrates the ISO8859-1 character set encoding for displaying special characters in HTML. The columns for this table are defined as follows:

Column Title



A text description of the character being displayed.


The HTML numeric code value for the associated character.


The character that your browser displays when it encounters the associated numeric code value.


The HTML entity name value for the associated character.


The character that your browser displays when it encounters the associated entity name value.

Character              This    Prints    This     Prints
Description            Code    This      Entity   This
====================== ==============    ===============
quotation mark         "     "       "     "
ampersand              &     &       &      &
less-than sign         &#60;     <       &lt;       <
greater-than sign      &#62;     >       &gt;       >
non-breaking space     &#160;            &nbsp;      
inverted exclamation   &#161;    ¡       &iexcl;    ¡
cent sign              &#162;    ¢       &cent;     ¢
pound sterling         &#163;    £       &pound;    £
general currency sign  &#164;    ¤       &curren;   ¤
yen sign               &#165;    ¥       &yen;      ¥
broken vertical bar    &#166;    ¦       &brvbar;   ¦
section sign           &#167;    §       &sect;     §
umlaut (dieresis)      &#168;    ¨       &uml;      ¨
copyright              &#169;    ©       &copy;     ©
feminine ordinal       &#170;    ª       &ordf;     ª
left angle quote       &#171;    «       &laquo;    «
not sign               &#172;    ¬       &not;      ¬
soft hyphen            &#173;    ­       &shy;      ­
registered trademark   &#174;    ®       &reg;      ®
macron accent          &#175;    ¯       &macr;     ¯
degree sign            &#176;    °       &deg;      °
plus or minus          &#177;    ±       &plusmn;   ±
superscript two        &#178;    ²       &sup2;     ²
superscript three      &#179;    ³       &sup3;     ³
acute accent           &#180;    ´       &acute;    ´
micro sign             &#181;    µ       &micro;    µ
paragraph sign         &#182;    ¶       &para;     ¶
middle dot             &#183;    ·       &middot;   ·
cedilla                &#184;    ¸       &cedil;    ¸
superscript one        &#185;    ¹       &sup1;     ¹
masculine ordinal      &#186;    º       &ordm;     º
right angle quote      &#187;    »       &raquo;    »
fraction one-fourth    &#188;    ¼       &frac14;   ¼
fraction one-half      &#189;    ½       &frac12;   ½
fraction three-fourths &#190;    ¾       &frac34;   ¾
inverted question mark &#191;    ¿       &iquest;   ¿
grave accent A         &#192;    À       &Agrave;   À
acute accent A         &#193;    Á       &Aacute;   Á
circumflex accent A    &#194;    Â       &Acirc;    Â
tilde A                &#195;    Ã       &Atilde;   Ã
dieresis or umlaut A   &#196;    Ä       &Auml;     Ä
ring A                 &#197;    Å       &Aring;    Å
AE diphthong (ligature)&#198;    Æ       &AElig;    Æ
cedilla                &#199;    Ç       &Ccedil;   Ç
grave accent E         &#200;    È       &Egrave;   È
acute accent E         &#201;    É       &Eacute;   É
circumflex accent E    &#202;    Ê       &Ecirc;    Ê
dieresis or umlaut E   &#203;    Ë       &Euml;     Ë
grave accent I         &#204;    Ì       &Igrave;   Ì
acute accent I         &#205;    Í       &Iacute;   Í
circumflex accent I    &#206;    Î       &Icirc;    Î
dieresis or umlaut I   &#207;    Ï       &Iuml;     Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic &#208;    Ð       &ETH;      Ð
tilde N                &#209;    Ñ       &Ntilde;   Ñ
grave accent O         &#210;    Ò       &Ograve;   Ò
acute accent O         &#211;    Ó       &Oacute;   Ó
circumflex accent O    &#212;    Ô       &Ocirc;    Ô
tilde O                &#213;    Õ       &Otilde;   Õ
dieresis or umlaut O   &#214;    Ö       &Ouml;     Ö
multiply sign          &#215;    ×       &times;    ×
slash                  &#216;    Ø       &Oslash;   Ø
grave accent U         &#217;    Ù       &Ugrave;   Ù
acute accent U         &#218;    Ú       &Uacute;   Ú
circumflex accent U    &#219;    Û       &Ucirc;    Û
dieresis or umlaut U   &#220;    Ü       &Uuml;     Ü
acute accent Y         &#221;    Ý       &Yacute;   Ý
capital THORN, Iceland &#222;    Þ       &THORN;    Þ
small s, (sz ligature) &#223;    ß       &szlig;    ß
grave accent a         &#224;    à       &agrave;   à
acute accent a         &#225;    á       &aacute;   á
circumflex accent a    &#226;    â       &acirc;    â
tilde a                &#227;    ã       &atilde;   ã
dieresis or umlaut a   &#228;    ä       &auml;     ä
ring a                 &#229;    å       &aring;    å
ae diphthong (ligature)&#230;    æ       &aelig;    æ
cedilla                &#231;    ç       &ccedil;   ç
grave accent e         &#232;    è       &egrave;   è
acute accent e         &#233;    é       &eacute;   é
circumflex accent e    &#234;    ê       &ecirc;    ê
dieresis or umlaut e   &#235;    ë       &euml;     ë
grave accent i         &#236;    ì       &igrave;   ì
acute accent i         &#237;    í       &iacute;   í
circumflex accent i    &#238;    î       &icirc;    î
dieresis or umlaut i   &#239;    ï       &iuml;     ï
small eth, Icelandic   &#240;    ð       &eth;      ð
tilde n                &#241;    ñ       &ntilde;   ñ
grave accent o         &#242;    ò       &ograve;   ò
acute accent o         &#243;    ó       &oacute;   ó
circumflex accent o    &#244;    ô       &ocirc;    ô
tilde o                &#245;    õ       &otilde;   õ
dieresis or umlaut o   &#246;    ö       &ouml;     ö
division sign          &#247;    ÷       &divide;   ÷
slash                  &#248;    ø       &oslash;   ø
grave accent u         &#249;    ù       &ugrave;   ù
acute accent u         &#250;    ú       &uacute;   ú
circumflex accent u    &#251;    û       &ucirc;    û
dieresis or umlaut u   &#252;    ü       &uuml;     ü
acute accent y         &#253;    ý       &yacute;   ý
small thorn, Iceland   &#254;    þ       &thorn;    þ
dieresis or umlaut y   &#255;    ÿ       &yuml;     ÿ

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