SAS Tutorial: Coding PUTs Without Coding PUTs
LISTING 1: The SAS Program Source Code
001 **************************************************; 002 * PROGRAM P.SAS(WS9605) * 003 * AUTHOR: JIM PLAXCO * 004 * DESCRP: TEST PROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE USE OF * 005 * MACROS FOR WISAS * 006 **************************************************; 007 **************************************************; 008 * STEP01 - BUILD DATA FILE * 009 **************************************************; 010 DATA DATA1 (KEEP=KDIAM DIAM RADIUS VOLUME MASS 011 MTMASS ENRGY YIELD DAMAGE DAMRD ABOMB); 012 *** LINES 16 - 59 OMITTED 013 CALL SYMPUT('TOTOBS',NDX); 014 CALL SYMPUT('PHEAD1','EVALUATION OF BOLIDE IMPACT ENERGIES ASSUMING:'); 015 CALL SYMPUT('PHEAD2',' - VELOCITY OF 20 Km/SEC'); 016 CALL SYMPUT('PHEAD3',' - DENSITY OF 3 GRAMS/CUBIC CM'); 017 RUN; 018 019 %HDRIN(JPLAXCO.P.HDRS(WS9605),HDR,49) 020 RUN; 021 022 %MULTIC(DATA1,RPTOUT,3,150,52,KDIAM,8,5,2,5.2, 023 DAMRD,8,7,4,6.1,YIELD,8,8,2,E8.,ABOMB,8,11,0,COMMA11.0) 024 RUN;
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