Welcome to Explore Mars
Welcome to AstroDigital's Explore Mars. The Explore Mars web site
is home to a variety of articles and data tables about the planet Mars. In addition, you
can use the Mars Database of Named Features to access basic
information on over 1400 named features on Mars.
The Explore Mars web site is divided into the following six topic areas:
The Planet |
This section contains articles and basic information about the planet Mars. |
History |
This section contains articles about the history of humanity's quest to understand our red neighbor. |
Robotic Missions |
This section contains articles about past, current and future robotic missions to Mars |
Human Missions |
This section contains articles about human missions to Mars and why such missions are important. |
Feature Database |
A Java applet that provides access to basic information about over 1400 of the named features on Mars. |
Sources |
This section will help you identify and locate other sources of information about Mars. |
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